Tuesday, May 10, 2011

RESOURCESAT-2 High Quality Imageries Presented to Prime Minister by ISRO

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Chairman and other top officials presented High quality images of the Indian landmass and other countries beamed by India’s remote-sensing satellite, Resourcesat-2.

The images contained parts of New Delhi, Surat, Bareilly and Dubai. The three cameras aboard Resourcesat-2 were being operated from April 28 and several hundreds of images covering India and many parts of the globe have been acquired from the satellite.

The ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV- C16), which lifted off from the launch pad at Sriharikota on April 20, put three satellites in orbit. They were India’s Resourcesat-2, a joint Indo-Russian satellite called Youthsat and another satellite named X-Sat from the Nangyang Technological University of Singalore.

The Prime Minister appreciated of the success of the PSLV-C16 mission, which placed RESOURCESAT-2 satellite, Indo-Russian satellite YOUTHSAT and X-SAT satellite from Singapore into orbit. He congratulated the entire team for the magnificent performance. The Prime Minister was also briefed about ISROs forthcoming missions. The Prime Minister wished ISRO team success in all its future missions for the coming months.

The Prime Minister was also presented with models of PSLV-C16, RESOURCESAT-2 and YOUTHSAT.

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